Tom Brown
Best Practice Editor
I feel called to my work which is at times challenging to the core of my being. The Edgewalkers Retreat provided solace during a rough patch and has continued to be a source of healing and inspiration. Being honored for work unseen, for seeds planted that have not taken root yet, has been fertilizer, for my dreams.I am grateful to witness, and to be witnessed by the courageous participants who have continued to stay touch, and know am am not walking alone.
Kathy Smyly Miller
My Edgewalker experience with Judi Neal and Ron Pevny was valuable on multiple levels: first, it was a complete break from considerable stresses of leading and managing a nonprofit organization during times of profound challenge and change – truly a mountaintop experience, refreshing and exhilarating; second, it offered me a time to concentrate and dive inward, reconnect with nature and with other diverse, yet like-minded individuals and explore part of me that tend to get pushed to the side in daily round; and third, it provided a mystical experience that I will carry in my heart forever.
Dr. Judith A. M. Smith
President and CEO, Volunteer Jacksonville, Inc.
When I enrolled in the Edgewalker coaching, I had been the Founder, President and manager of a family held company. I knew how I felt about many things, and had a language that fit my realm. As I continued on the coaching sessions, it allowed me to open up my mind and change how I viewed myself, my employees and my business. It allowed me to have a bigger picture of the spiritual side of work and the human condition. It also allowed me to open up to other teachers, authors and see the bigger convergence of truth and language that I needed to grow. The Edgewalker philosophy truly changed my life.
Joan Johnson
CEO, White River Hardwoods
We were so fortunate to engage and learn from Judi Neal at our Annual Spirituality and Wholeness Workshop in Kelowna, BC, in the fall of 2014. “Leading with Soul” became a transformative and enriching experience for participants – a variety of health care professionals and leaders. Our organization has repeatedly engaged Dr. Judi, to our great benefit.
Terje Ness
Director of Mission Effectiveness
The Good Samaritan Society, Canada
Visionaries can peer through the screen that separates reality from possibilities and see glimpses of a more hopeful way. Edgewalkers, however can move easily between both worlds, blending the best of both into their lives and world. Executives, leaders and anyone who resides in Maslow’s top realm will love this book! It is their passport to the better frontier.
Martha I. Finney
Consultant and Co-Author: HR From the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business
Years ago we called ourselves ‘corporate outlaws’, managers who were willing to toss aside accepted practice and try new and different techniques. We dared to engage otherwise disenfranchised employees who had a lot of value to add but who were different and consequently shoved off into a corner. But we had to be subversive about it, because we were different, too, taking chances and making changes. It was different and it was threatening to the staid and status quo, especially in an industry as conservative as the utility industry tends to be. Today Judi Neal has put a new name to leaders who take risks and who understand the importance of the whole person to an organization – EDGEWALKERS! I’m proud to be one and to have participated in Judi’s workshops, where my leadership skills were set even more wildly free. Every organization needs Edgewalkers.
Sharron Emmons
Information Technology Manager (retired), Northeast Utilities System

Chairman, Aetna International,Inc.(Retired)
When I think of the word “Edgewalker” Judi Neal immediately comes to mind. Through her powerful writings, presentation and leadership of the Center for Spirit at Work she has stretched the minds and hearts of thousands of people. The Edgewalker book is a must read for anyone who ever considered living and working in pursuit of a higher calling that just might change the world.
Dr. Charles C.Manz
Author of Super Leadership, Emotional Discipline, and co-author of The Wisdom of Solomon at Work