There are five Edgewalker Skills that can be developed step-by-step through training, attention and practice.
We have identified five ‘doing’ elements of Edgewalkers – the actions, behaviors, and skills that help an individual or an organization to function on the leading edge.
Anyone can develop these skills, although people who have cultivated the Edgewalker Qualities of Being will tend to develop them more easily.
1. Sensing the Future
The ability to understand and embrace the future.
2. Risk-taking
The ability to try what hasn’t been tried before, to trust your instincts, and to break new ground.
3. Manifesting
The ability to take a thought, idea or vision and to take concrete, practical steps to bring it into being.
4. Focusing
The ability to be very centered and to give all your attention to an action or project that has significance and importance.
5. Connecting
The ability to value others, to see their uniqueness, and to draw out the best in them.
Take the Edgewalker Profile Questionnaire
Work with an Edgewalker Facilitator to interpret your results