Patricia Campanile Edgewalker Senior Associate

I AM holding the light for humanity.
I AM an Edgewalker, walking on the leading edge.
I AM creating the space for awakening.
I AM intending for the Highest Good for mankind.
I AM free from the inside out and the outside in.
I AM evolutionary consciousness.
I AM a beacon of light for the world.
I AM faith, hope and love.
I AM innovative and a visionary.
I AM curious, collaborative, cooperative.
I AM Higher Intelligence.
I AM a Divine expression of Source.
I AM a Master on a Masterful journey.
I AM manifesting and attracting with ease, grace and flow.
I AM trusting and surrendering.
I AM holding the space for peace on earth.
I AM choosing joy now!
I AM positive, optimistic, aware.
I AM powerful, brave and courageous.
I AM strong in my body and centered in my essence.
I AM supporting a healthy, sustainable planet.
I AM compassionate for all species.
I AM healing, growing, becoming.
I AM blessed and grateful.
I AM expansive and abundant.
I AM healthy, vibrant and energized.
I AM love in action.
I AM embracing diversity.
I AM authentic, unique, one-of-a-kind.
I AM open hearted and open minded.
As Edgewalkers we hold the space of Light for ourselves and others during the holiday season and for the coming New Year. We can choose to focus on gratitude, elevating our consciousness, and opening our hearts as we move into the New Era. Whenever we put I AM before any statement or sentence we are setting the stage and fertile ground to create and attract what we want. It is essential to be conscious and careful of our words, intentions and actions as they do make an impact on our relationships and our environment. I invite you to share your I AM statement(s), your vision of this New World and the practices we can use to inspire each other as Edgewalkers, individuals and conscious community.
I wish you all a blessed holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year as we hold the light for ourselves, our community and humanity. Thank you for being you. You are needed. You are loved.
We do make a difference, one light at a time!
Patricia Campanile Senior Edgewalker Associate
Excellent and beautiful. Thanks Patricia
Thank you dear Bobbie for your words, support and all you do for humanity. Love, Patricia
I am grateful for you Patricia Campanile!
I love this and am going to use it to start my own “I am” statements!!
Thank you dear Wendy for your words, support and being inspired to create your own I AM statements. They are uplifting and they work. Blessings to you! Patricia
Thank you so much, Patricia — this is challengingly beautiful, and I look forward to using it.
I am curious, though it is a minor point in such a wonderful post: why do you say “mankind” instead of “humankind,” etc.? A few decades ago, I would have been judgmental about that, but now I’m just honestly curious. 🙂
Peace and Good,
Thank you so much Pamela for reading my blog and taking the time to reach out.
Honestly, I did not even consider or realize that I wrote mankind instead of humankind. It was not conscious at all. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Next time I will use humankind.
Mankind has no specific reason.
Honestly, this blog felt channeled to me. It came through with an open heart and mind, to support the consciousness for all.
Blessings to you and thank you.
I was so inspired by your IONS talk, thank you, and thank you for this beautiful litany.
“I AM a channel of healing for all species.”