- Visual Coaching and Facilitation
- Humanistic Psychology
- Creativity
- Spirituality
- Change Agency
- Organizational and Systems Transformation
Jeannel loves to help people recognize their unique awesomeness and bring more of it to what they do in the world. A seasoned visual facilitator, entrepreneur, author, speaker, coach, and consultant, Jeannel applies creative-spiritual processes within traditional business contexts to help teams generate impressive business results. She holds degrees in psychology and nonprofit management and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Saybrook University’s humanistic psychology program with a specialization in creativity, innovation, and leadership. Her dissertation research explores the intersectionality of creativity, spirituality, and personal agency in service to organizational transformation.
“To paraphrase Einstein, we cannot solve the world’s problems from the same level of consciousness that created them in the first place. As Edgewalkers, we know in our bones that the way to create new realities is to work across multiple realities. By bridging worlds (mundane and spiritual, explicate and implicate, for example) Edgewalkers can access a different kind of wisdom to benefit others in the here and now. With all the change and trauma the world has experienced since 2020, Edgewalkers are needed now more than ever!”